Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Casirati, S., Conklin, M. H., & Safeeq, M. (2023). Influence of snowpack on forest water stress in the Sierra Nevada. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6, 1181819.
- Eriksson, M., Safeeq, M., Padilla, L., Pathak, T., O’Geen, T., Egoh, B., Lugg, J., & Bales, R. (2023). Drivers of social acceptance of natural-resource management: A comparison of the public and professionals in California. Journal of Environmental Management, 345, 118605.
- Eriksson, M., Safeeq, M., Pathak, T., Egoh, B. N., & Bales, R. (2023). Using stakeholder-based fuzzy cognitive mapping to assess benefits of restoration in wildfire-vulnerable forests. Restoration Ecology, 31(4), e13766.
- Leathers, K., Herbst, D., Safeeq, M., & Ruhi, A. (2023). Dynamic, downstream-propagating thermal vulnerability in a mountain stream network: Implications for biodiversity in the face of climate change. Limnology and Oceanography, 68, S101–S114.
- Moyers, K., Sabie, R., Waring, E., Preciado, J., Naughton, C. C., Harmon, T., Safeeq, M., Torres-Rua, A., Fernald, A., & Viers, J. H. (2023). A decade of data-driven water budgets: Synthesis and bibliometric review. Water Resources Research, 59(11), e2022WR034310.
- Nanda, A., & Safeeq, M. (2023). Threshold controlling runoff generation mechanisms in mediterranean headwater catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 620, 129532.
- Smidt, S., Haacker, E., Bai, X., Cherkauer, K., Choat, B., Crompton, O., Deines, J., Groh, J., Guzman, S., Hartman, S., et al. (2023). Forming the future of agrohydrology. Earth’s Future, 11(12), e2022EF003410.
- Abatzoglou, J. T., Marshall, A. M., Lute, A., & Safeeq, M. (2022). Precipitation dependence of temperature trends across the contiguous us. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(4), e2021GL095414.
- Bales, J., Bhaskar, A., Characklis, G., Flores, A., Gilmore, T., Gomez-Velez, J., Grant, G., Jefferson, A., Khan, S., Ledford, S., Loheide, S., Miller, G., Mishra, A., Nolin, A., VanBriesen, J., Zarnetske, J., Zimmer, M., & Ward, A. S. (2022). Covid-19 impacts highlight the need for holistic evaluation of research in the hydrologic sciences. Water Resources Research, 58(2), e2021WR030930.
- Guo, W., Safeeq, M., Liu, H., Wu, X., Cui, G., Ma, Q., Goulden, M. L., Lindeskog, M., & Bales, R. C. (2022). Mechanisms controlling carbon sinks in semi-arid mountain ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36(3), e2021GB007186.
- Safeeq, M., Nanda, A., Wagenbrenner, J. W., Lewis, J., & Hunsaker, C. T. (2022). Climatic and hydrogeomorphic controls on sediment characteristics in the southern Sierra Nevada. Journal of Hydrology, 612, 128300.
- Yang, Y., Berhe, A. A., Hunsaker, C. T., Johnson, D. W., Safeeq, M., Barnes, M. E., McCorkle, E. P., Stacy, E. M., Bales, R. C., Bart, R. R., et al. (2022). Impacts of climate and disturbance on nutrient fluxes and stoichiometry in mixed-conifer forests. Biogeochemistry, 158(1), 1–20.
- Bart, R., Safeeq, M., Wagenbrenner, J., & Hunsaker, C. (2021). Do fuel treatments decrease forest mortality or increase streamflow? a case study from the Sierra Nevada (USA). Ecohydrology, 14(1), e2254.
- Bart, R. R., Ray, R. L., Conklin, M. H., Safeeq, M., Saksa, P. C., Tague, C. L., & Bales, R. C. (2021). Assessing the effects of forest biomass reductions on forest health and streamflow. Hydrological Processes, 35(3), e14114.
- Safeeq, M., Bart, R. R., Pelak, N. F., Singh, C. K., Dralle, D. N., Hartsough, P., & Wagenbrenner, J. W. (2021). How realistic are water-balance closure assumptions? a demonstration from the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory and Kings River Experimental Watersheds. Hydrological Processes, 35(5), e14199.
- Wagenbrenner, J. W., Dralle, D. N., Safeeq, M., & Hunsaker, C. T. (2021). The Kings River Experimental Watersheds: Infrastructure and data. Hydrological Processes, 35(5), e14142.
- Wlostowski, A. N.,Molotch, N., Anderson, S. P., Brantley, S. L., Chorover, J., Dralle, D., Kumar, P., Li, L., Lohse, K. A., Mallard, J. M., et al. (2021). Signatures of hydrologic function across the critical zone observatory network. Water Resources Research, 57(3), e2019WR026635.
- Ackerer, J., Steefel, C., Liu, F., Bart, R., Safeeq, M., O’Geen, A., Hunsaker, C., & Bales, R. (2020). Determining how critical zone structure constrains hydrogeochemical behavior of watersheds: Learning from an elevation gradient in California’s Sierra Nevada. Frontiers in Water, 2, 23.
- Safeeq, M., Grant, G. E., Lewis, S. L., & Hayes, S. K. (2020). Disentangling effects of forest harvest on long-term hydrologic and sediment dynamics, western cascades, Oregon. Journal of Hydrology, 580, 124259.
- Awal, R., Safeeq, M., Abbas, F., Fares, S., Deb, S. K., Ahmad, A., & Fares, A. (2019). Soil physical properties spatial variability under long-term no-tillage corn. Agronomy, 9(11), 750.
- Fan, Y., Clark, M., Lawrence, D. M., Swenson, S., Band, L., Brantley, S. L., Brooks, P. D., Dietrich, W. E., Flores, A., Grant, G., et al. (2019). Hillslope hydrology in global change research and earth system modeling. Water Resources Research, 55(2), 1737–1772.
- Flitcroft, R., Lewis, S., Arismendi, I., Davis, C., Giannico, G., Penaluna, B., Santelmann, M., Safeeq, M., & Snyder, J. (2019). Using expressed behaviour of coho salmon (oncorhynchus kisutch) to evaluate the vulnerability of upriver migrants under future hydrological regimes: Management implications and conservation planning. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29(7), 1083–1094.
- Haig, S. M., Murphy, S. P., Matthews, J. H., Arismendi, I., & Safeeq, M. (2019). Climate-altered wetlands challenge waterbird use and migratory connectivity in arid landscapes. Scientific reports, 9(1), 4666.
- Visser, A., Thaw, M., Deinhart, A., Bibby, R., Safeeq, M., Conklin, M., Esser, B., & Van der Velde, Y. (2019). Cosmogenic isotopes unravel the hydrochronology and water storage dynamics of the southern Sierra Critical Zone. Water Resources Research, 55(2), 1429–1450.
- Bales, R., Stacy, E., Safeeq, M., Meng, X., Meadows, M., Oroza, C., Conklin, M., Glaser, S., & Wagenbrenner, J. (2018). Spatially distributed water-balance and meteorological data from the rain–snow transition, southern Sierra Nevada, California. Earth System Science Data, 10(4), 1795–1805.
- Bales, R. C., Goulden, M. L., Hunsaker, C. T., Conklin, M. H., Hartsough, P. C., O’Geen, A. T., Hopmans, J. W., & Safeeq, M. (2018). Mechanisms controlling the impact of multi-year drought on mountain hydrology. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 690.
- Black, B. A., van der Sleen, P., Di Lorenzo, E., Griffin, D., Sydeman, W. J., Dunham, J. B., Rykaczewski, R. R., Garcia-Reyes, M., Safeeq, M., Arismendi, I., et al. (2018). Rising synchrony controls western north American ecosystems. Global change biology, 24(6), 2305–2314.
- 28 Clifton, C. F., Day, K. T., Luce, C. H., Grant, G. E., Safeeq, M., Halofsky, J. E., & Staab, B. P. (2018). Effects of climate change on hydrology and water resources in the blue mountains, Oregon, USA. Climate Services, 10, 9–19.
- Klos, P. Z., Goulden, M. L., Riebe, C. S., Tague, C. L., O’Geen, A. T., Flinchum, B. A., Safeeq, M., Conklin, M. H., Hart, S. C., Berhe, A. A., et al. (2018). Subsurface plant-accessible water in mountain ecosystems with a mediterranean climate. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 5(3), e1277.
- O’Geen, A., Safeeq, M., Wagenbrenner, J., Stacy, E., Hartsough, P., Devine, S., Tian, Z., Ferrell, R., Goulden, M., Hopmans, J. W., et al. (2018). Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory and Kings River Experimental Watersheds: A synthesis of measurements, new insights, and future directions. Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1), 1–18.
- Danner, A. G., Safeeq, M., Grant, G. E., Wickham, C., Tullos, D., & Santelmann, M. V. (2017). Scenario-based and scenario-neutral assessment of climate change impacts on operational performance of a multipurpose reservoir. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 53(6), 1467–1482.
- Saksa, P., Safeeq, M., & Dymond, S. (2017). Recent patterns in climate, vegetation, and forest water use in California montane watersheds. Forests, 8(8), 278.
- Cooper, M. G., Nolin, A. W., & Safeeq, M. (2016). Testing the recent snow drought as an analog for climate warming sensitivity of cascades snowpacks. Environmental Research Letters, 11(8), 084009.
- Fares, A., Safeeq, M., Awal, R., Fares, S., & Dogan, A. (2016). Temperature and probe-to-probe variability effects on the performance of capacitance soil moisture sensors in an oxisol. Vadose Zone Journal, 15(3), vzj2015–07.
- Flitcroft, R. L., Lewis, S. L., Arismendi, I., LovellFord, R., Santelmann, M. V., Safeeq, M., & Grant, G. (2016). Linking hydroclimate to fish phenology and habitat use with ichthyographs. PLoS One, 11(12), e0168831.
- Safeeq, M., & Fares, A. (2016). Groundwater and surface water interactions in relation to natural and anthropogenic environmental changes. Emerging issues in groundwater resources, 289–326.
- Safeeq, M., & Hunsaker, C. T. (2016). Characterizing runoff and water yield for headwater catchments in the southern Sierra Nevada. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 52(6), 1327–1346.
- Safeeq, M., Shukla, S., Arismendi, I., Grant, G. E., Lewis, S. L., & Nolin, A. (2016). Influence of winter season climate variability on snow–precipitation ratio in the western United States. International Journal of Climatology, 36(9), 3175–3190.
- Penaluna, B. E., Dunham, J. B., Railsback, S. F., Arismendi, I., Johnson, S. L., Bilby, R. E., Safeeq, M., & Skaugset, A. E. (2015). Local variability mediates vulnerability of trout populations to land use and climate change. PLoS One, 10(8), e0135334.
- Safeeq, M., Grant, G. E., Lewis, S. L., & Staab, B. (2015). Predicting landscape sensitivity to present and future floods in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Hydrological Processes, 29(26), 5337–5353.
- Shukla, S., Safeeq, M., AghaKouchak, A., Guan, K., & Funk, C. (2015). Temperature impacts on the water year 2014 drought in California. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(11), 4384–4393.
- Abbas, F., Ahmad, A., Safeeq, M., Ali, S., Saleem, F., Hammad, H. M., & Farhad, W. (2014). Changes in precipitation extremes over arid to semiarid and subhumid Punjab, Pakistan. Theoretical and applied climatology, 116, 671–680.
- Ahmad, A., Fares, A., Hue, N., Safeeq, M., Radovich, T., Abbas, F., Ibrahim, M., et al. (2014). Root distribution of sweet corn (zea mays) as affected by manure types, rates and frequency of applications. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 24(2), 592–599.
- Arismendi, I., Safeeq, M., Dunham, J. B., & Johnson, S. L. (2014). Can air temperature be used to project influences of climate change on stream temperature? Environmental Research Letters, 9(8), 084015.
- Safeeq, M., & Fares, A. (2014). Interception losses in three non-native Hawaiian forest stands. Hydrological Processes, 28(2), 237–254.
- Safeeq, M., Grant, G. E., Lewis, S. L., Kramer, M. G., & Staab, B. (2014). A hydrogeologic framework for characterizing summer streamflow sensitivity to climate warming in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(9), 3693–3710.
- Safeeq, M., Mauger, G. S., Grant, G. E., Arismendi, I., Hamlet, A. F., & Lee, S.-Y. (2014). Comparing large-scale hydrological model predictions with observed streamflow in the Pacific Northwest: Effects of climate and groundwater. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15(6), 2501–2521.
- Arismendi, I., Safeeq, M., Johnson, S. L., Dunham, J. B., & Haggerty, R. (2013). Increasing synchrony of high temperature and low flow in western North American streams: Double trouble for coldwater biota? Hydrobiologia, 712, 61–70.
- Safeeq, M., Grant, G. E., Lewis, S. L., & Tague, C. L. (2013). Coupling snowpack and groundwater dynamics to interpret historical streamflow trends in the western United States. Hydrological Processes, 27(5), 655–668.
- Safeeq, M., Mair, A., & Fares, A. (2013). Temporal and spatial trends in air temperature on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. International Journal of Climatology, 33(13), 2816–2835.
- Safeeq, M., & Fares, A. (2012). Hydrologic effect of groundwater development in a small mountainous tropical watershed. Journal of hydrology, 428, 51–67.
- Safeeq, M., & Fares, A. (2011). Accuracy evaluation of climgen weather generator and daily to hourly disaggregation methods in tropical conditions. Theoretical and applied climatology, 106, 321–341.
- Fares, A., Safeeq, M., & Jenkins, D. (2009). Adjusting temperature and salinity effects on single capacitance sensors. Pedosphere, 19(5), 588–596.
- Garg, K. K., Das, B. S., Safeeq, M., & Bhadoria, P. B. (2009). Measurement and modeling of soil water regime in a lowland paddy field showing preferential transport. Agricultural water management, 96(12), 1705–1714.
- Fares, A., Abbas, F., Ahmad, A., Deenik, J. L., & Safeeq, M. (2008). Response of selected soil physical and hydrologic properties to manure amendment rates, levels, and types. Soil science, 173(8), 522–533.
Other Publications
- Lewis, D., O’Geen, A., Tate, K., & Safeeq, M. (2022). Background total suspended solids and turbidity conditions in oak woodland headwater streams. Proceeding of the 8th California Oak symposium.
- Lugg, J., & Safeeq, M. (2020). Mitigating the lasting effects of wildfire. Tulare Basin Watershed Partnership Network.
- Hunsaker, C., & Safeeq, M. (2018). Kings river experimental watersheds meteorology data. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
- Hunsaker, C., & Safeeq, M. (2017). Kings river experimental watersheds stream discharge. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
- Clifton, C. F., Day, K. T., Dello, K., Grant, G. E., Halofsky, J. E., Isaak, D. J., Luce, C. H., Safeeq, M., Staab, B. P., & Stevenson, J. (2016). Climate change and hydrology in the blue mountains. Climate Change Vulnerability; Adaptation in the Blue Mountains; Halofsky, JE, Peterson, DL, Eds.
- Watts, A., Grant, G., & Safeeq, M. (2016). Flows of the future–how will climate change affect streamflows in the Pacific Northwest? science findings, 187. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
- Fares, A., Safeeq, M., & Jenkins, D. (2006). Temperature dependent scaled voltage to improve the performance of single capacitance sensors. ASABE Annual Meeting Proceeding. Portland, Oregon. 062121.
- Fares, A., Safeeq, M., Dogan, A., & Kimoto, A. (2006). Use of buffers to reduce nitrogen transport to water bodies. In Delgado, J.A., R.F. Follett, eds. Advances in Nitrogen Management for Water Quality. Ankeny, IA. Soil; Water Conservation Society.